ME in FE – My #APConnect Journey – by Hayley Seward
ME in FE – my APConnect Jo
Hayley Seward
To be given the platform to connect with others across our wonderful FE community is like finding the golden ticket in a Willy Wonka chocolate bar. Having the encouragement to be given that platform and then the freedom to work on something that you are passionate about, I can’t even describe. I first joined #APConnect in Year 2 and quickly found myself in awe of the organisers and speakers and also inspired to be the best version of myself that I could be, to make a real difference for my college and my students. I joined as part of Constellation B and with my working team developed communities of practice within the college using the Thinking Environment principles.
In 2020 I was successful in my application to join the next stage of the process. As part of Constellation C I had the opportunity to work on something a little different, something that means a lot to me personally but is also quite topical. My aim was (and is) to create a supportive network for those of us within FE that are experiencing or have experienced ME/CFS/post-viral fatigue and related conditions. With the pandemic leaving a lot of our colleagues unwell for longer periods of time, I was hoping to connect with educators nationally to provide a safe space to discuss their thoughts and feelings with peers who have shared experiences…ME in FE was born.
ME in FE is open to all, whether you are experiencing Long Covid/ME/CFS/lupus/postviral fatigue or any other related conditions – or you are supporting those who do – it is a space to share our experiences and advice on how others have maintained successful careers within Further Education whilst managing their own symptoms.
Although the project is still in its infancy, we now have a network of people within FE actively participating in supporting one another through Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter (so far!) I was given the opportunity to work with disability activist Dr Mole Chapman through the Equalities Mentoring strand of #APConnect and she is wonderful. We meet every week and without fail she inspires me and guides me to develop my ideas further in the hope of helping me to achieve something wonderful that helps others. Mole always leaves me with a reignited passion to help others and a thirst to make a real difference, she asks all of the right questions and advises from a place of genuine interest and care.
My goal for ME in FE is that by this time next year our numbers will have increased and that people genuinely find the space supportive and helpful, as soon as people join us it becomes their space, and their project (if they want). Everyone is equal and there will always be a seat for them at our table; if we can make one person’s day a little brighter then we have already achieved our goal.
The opportunities created through the work of Dr Lou Mycroft, Dr Mole Chapman and #APConnect have not only helped my practice but it has also helped me to connect with other people with similar experiences to me, and it also helped me to re-connect to myself.
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Twitter – @MEinFE1
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