
touchconsulting Ltd is a small organisation that co-designs and delivers big quality improvement programmes for the education and training profession




This event has now taken place. But you can access all the video-presentations and event related content below! All videos are also available on the CfEM Action Research 2021-2022 playlist via the Education and Training Foundation’s Excellence Gateway YouTube Channel.

Responsive Teaching 

Friday 1 July 2022 9:30 for 9:45 – 2:00

1. Welcome to CfEMLive 2022 

If you’re tweeting today, we’re using the hashtag #CfEMlive22 and #CfEM. We’d also love you to use #FEmaths – today is a great opportunity to join up maths practitioners all over the country (and do share your Twitter handle in chat once you’re in Zoom).

We are so excited to welcome you to the Education and Training Foundation’s hugely popular virtual Centres for Excellence in Maths (CfEM) conference. Our theme is Responsive Teaching: helping teachers value and build on students’ prior learning and address individual needs. We are so excited to hear from CfEM partners about their action research. 

Here’s Steve Pardoe, Head of CfEM at the ETF, and Cath Gladding, ETF’s CfEM National Research Advisor, to welcome you to #CfEMlive22. Next up is Lou Mycroft, co-host for room 1, explaining how you can engage throughout the day with the presenters, each other and the wider maths community.

Video 1

Steve Pardoe from the Education and Training Foundation welcomes you to CfEM Live [3 min: 15 secs]. 

Video 2 

Cath Gladding from the Education and Training Foundation welcomes you to CfEM Live [1 min: 43 secs]. 

Video 3

Lou Mycroft from touchconsulting Ltd explains how you can engage throughout the day with presenters, each other and the wider maths community. [3 mins: 39 secs]. 

2. Your #CfEM – and registration

As you’ll hear from the welcome videos, today is all about you and your maths pedagogy. Whether you are sharing your action research, or learning from others’ research, we will be encouraging you to listen, ask questions of others and appreciate the effort that has gone into each and every one of these research presentations. Please note that we will be filming all presentations and they will be stored in the public domain. Thank you.

But firstly two tasks for you. Please can you:

  • register to tell us you’re here using this form? We’ll be using this information to update the ETF’s booking system
  • review the timetable below and work out which sessions you want to access today

We’ve designed the day so you can move between the two parallel zoom rooms at specific points and we’ll record so you can catch up on all sessions. 

Great. You’ve probably got time to go make a cuppa 😃An image of teacups, to invite you to get a brew

Now for the agenda and timetable. We’ve got three fabulous sessions for you today, each focused around some aspect of Responsive Teaching. Each presentation will last around 20 minutes, followed by the opportunity to process your thinking making use of the Zoom break-out rooms in the morning, and this afternoon a Menti. This ensures that you have some processing time, to discuss what you’ve been hearing. There will be no ‘death by feedback’, we promise!

We’ll keep you muted during the sessions, to minimise background noise, so do ask any questions via chat. Remember all the video-presentations will be edited and made available on this landing page and the ETF’s CfEM YouTube channel after the event.

The processing questions we’ll be using are:

What have you seen or heard that you’d like to implement in your own organisation?

Why and how are you going to do this?

We’ll keep coming back to these two questions in the morning breakout triads and afternoon’s Menti. 

At a few minutes before 9:45am, please go to the Main Zoom Room for our CfEM Live 22 welcome and then its straight into session one. All zoom links and password details (if needed) are in the relevant session of the timetable. 

3. Agenda and Timetable for Friday 1 July 2022

Welcome: 9.45 - 10:00
Main Room

Join the team for a welcome chat before choosing your rooms and heading off to session 1.
Please note that Room 1 will be facilitated by Lou Mycroft and Lynne Taylerson, with a closing plenary from Cath Gladding of the ETF. Room 2 will be facilitated by Joss Kang from touchconsulting Ltd. and Julie Baxter, National Head of Maths for the ETF, with a closing plenary from Marie Joubert from the University of Nottingham. In the background, colleagues Alison Tanik and Lisa Sidwells from touchconsulting Ltd. will be assisting in Rooms 1 and 2 respectively.
Session 1: 10:00 - 11:00. Please choose one room for this session.
The next time you will be able to change rooms, if you wish, is when you have a break at 11:00
Room 1

Room 2
Paloma Hanlon from Greater Brighton Metropolitan College and Northbrook CollegeRob Harrop from Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group, Buxton & Leek College, and Telford College
Flipped learning -How do teachers respond?To explore the effectiveness of a mastery model in an FE setting and the role of technology in supporting learning.
Shabana Raman from East Kent College Jane Barnett, Rahima Ahmed, Jayon Charles, Rippon Gupta, Zoe Lethbridge and Akram Waren from Leyton Sixth Form College
How do FE Maths learners respond to diagnostic teaching? Responsive teaching: responding to persistent misconceptions
Break: 11:00 - 11:15. Please take a break and move rooms if needed.
Session 2. Please choose one room for this session.
Room 1 will run from 11:15-2:00 (includes lunch break)
Room 2 will run from 11:15-1:00 (no lunch break)
Room 1
Room 2
Lucy Rowe from Wilberforce College, Franklin Sixth Form College, Sirius Academy West, and Hessle High School & Sixth Form CollegeRoss Coupland from New College Stamford
Is it possible to use assessments to identify common skills gaps of GCSE resit students, and can these gaps be filled through retrieval techniques?
Using diagnostic assessment to judge student confidence to empower students to demonstrate mastery of specific topics.
Lorna McMahon and Josephine Connolly from Tameside College, Hopwood Hall College and Trafford College
Juliane Collings from Fareham College
Target setting – How can targets be made effective for both students and teachers?
Using different delivery models to support students with Big Mark Questions.
Lunch 12:15-12:45 No lunch. Presentation & plenary continue without a break and end at 1:00
Leigh McLachlan and Naeem Butt from Grimsby Institute of Higher and Further Education
Matt Hanson from Leeds City College
Early Intervention is key: Can education move on from standard teacher delivery to a facilitated "Maths Your Way" approach with intervention in GCSE maths resit?Can a gamification strategy enhance student engagement both inside and outside of FE maths classrooms?
Vicky Tomlinson from Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group Marie Joubert from the University of Nottingham
Increasing confidence levels in GCSE resit maths learners by using mastery principles.Plenary 12:45-1:00
Cath Gladding from the Education & Training Foundation
Plenary 1.45-2.00

4. Growing your FE Maths Community

We anticipate you’ll want to delve deeper and follow up on some of the brilliant action research findings. There are lots of ways you can do this.

  • Follow and join in via social media conversations: #CfEMlive22, #CfEM and #FEmaths
  • Get in touch with action research teams via the relevant CfEM lead/Area Relationship and Development Lead.
  • Revisit the presentations and recordings from this CfEM Live conference. Videos available shortly on this landing page and on the Education and Training Foundation’s CfEM YouTube channel.
  • Join the ETF’s Inside Scoop: 45-minute maths practitioner-led webinar series running in June and July showcasing ideas and approaches from CfEM.
  • Attend the ETF’s two new free 90-minute webinars exploring how FE teachers can do research to improve their own practice: 11 and 13 July.
  • Read the final 2021-2022 action research reports, written by FE maths teachers, available Autumn term 2022.

5. Padlet

Browse our Responsive Teaching Padlet. It’s ready and waiting for videos and resources from today. 

Made with Padlet

6. Resources and Research 

Finally, do explore the resources and wider research that’s informed CfEM action research projects over the past four years. Click on the relevant image to access. Enjoy!

Mastery Handbook 

Motivation Handbook

Contextualisation Handbook 

Motivation Toolkit

Tech & Data Handbook

AR Reports 2020-21

Interim Report 2020-21

CfEM Live 2020

CfEM Live 2021







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