touchconsulting Ltd is a small organisation that co-designs and delivers big quality improvement programmes for the education and training profession
Twenty-one CfEM worked on a total of 29 action research questions in the project’s first year.
The 21 Centres for Excellence worked with network partners during 2019-2020 to investigate a question as an action research group (ARG) on the topic of motivation and engagement, data and technology or mastery.
What are the barriers to maths achievement for students who are on a Level 3 vocational programme, but studying GCSE Maths Re-sit?
How do students respond to a team based competitive starter activity across a course of six weeks?
How do student engagement coaches (for maths) help students to engage in learning maths?
What are students’ perceptions of the Maths Lab?
• for current users what is seen as most valuable and how could the experience be better?
What would encourage students who do not currently engage with maths lab to attend?
What does an engaging lesson look like and how do Teachers teach them?
How do students respond to our growth mindset intervention?
• How do students feel towards maths?
– pre/post questionnaire.
• What do students think about usefulness of the G2M?
How do students respond to incisive questions in the thinking environment?
How do students respond to maths lessons outside of the classroom?
How does the use of Academic Improvement Mentors impact the learning experience and mindset of re-sit GCSE Maths students?
How do GCSE maths students respond to essential 8 intervention? (Eastleigh)
How does the use of maths coaches improve the motivation and engagement of GCSE maths re-sit students? (Fareham)
How do teachers respond to mindfulness training?
How does video documenting learner journeys for GCSE Maths impact on motivation and engagement?
How do GCSE learners with ESOL needs respond to teaching interventions of key words & phrases specific to GCSE maths? (Newham)
How do trial teachers develop knowledge and practice of a mastery approach?
How do FE Maths practitioners implement a Mastery Approach within their teaching of GCSE Maths Re-sit?
How can a Mastery model be adapted to allow one year resit students to develop;
• Mathematical thinking
• Procedural variation
• Conceptual variation
How can we improve students’ problem-solving skills through collaborative development of mathematical tasks?
How does the use of problem-solving activities help engage students with mathematical tasks?
How do teachers respond to centrally planned resources?
How do students respond to 1:1 interventions with their class teacher?
Does topic – based formative assessment to enable individualised learning, improve learner outcomes?
How does the maths classroom environment promote & support learning?
Why do learners choose to engage, or not engage with online maths resources in college?
How does teachers and students use of Geogebra support understanding of geometry?
How do teachers use GCSE awarding body analysis to assess students’ strengths and areas for development and inform planning?
How do maths learners perceive the role of interactive learning software in their classroom environment?
I feel much more confident in our action research and I understand how to collect data.
We have already reviewed our action research question 3 times – constantly evolving.